Application packets are available at the school office February through June every year. The goal of THMH is to provide competetent academic and religious training for students who are serious about their education. Students seeking admission to THMH must meet the following requirements:
1. The student and at least one parent/guardian must be a disciple of Christ and maintain an active participate in the church.
2. Students and parents/guardians are expected to be in harmony with the purpose and statement of faith as held by THMH.
3. Students and parents/guardians are expected to support the policy of THMH on Student Conduct and Regulations as stated in the student handbook.
4. Students must have passing scores at their previous school in major academic subjects, be prepared for high school, and have a desire to attend THMH.
5. The student and parents/guardians must complete the application process. ​An interview will be scheduled by the THMH office once the following are received:
Student and parent/guardian application
Pastor recommendation form
Previous school recommendation form
medical forms
This link is to the pastor recommendation form. Pastors complete this form on behalf of a new student applying to THMH. Either use this link or the form found in the application packet.
This link is to a recommendation form for a head teacher or administrator to complete on behalf of a student applying to THMH. This form can also be found in the application packet if hard copy is preferred.